Tuesday, 15 January 2013

150113 Homework

-Ace Learning Test
-Update IRS Blog
-Do Science Worksheet
-History Mindnode
-Comment on the English blog. Answer only ONE of the three questions
-Complete the Evernote task on what resources and tasks are needed to make a short film.

Marcus birthday tomorrow ^^ YAYY Here's a picture :)

Oh and I was reading the S105 class blog and you stated in your introduction: ". I especially hate Manchester United because my dad supports it!"
EXCUSE ME? No present for you :( 

Monday, 14 January 2013


1RS - Complete Gantt Chart by Next Monday. Place it under the label 6. Bibliography.
Chi- (I dont know. Someone write it in the comments)
Eng- Go to Eng blog and ans  the q's posted by Eunice or Marcus.
If I have missed out anything write it in the comments. 

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Weekend Homework

Sorry for the super late post but I think Ethan can't access the blog due to some reasons so I'm posting on the behalve of him :)

-Please finish Science pre-test on googlesite ASAP

-Update your IRS blog according to this example

-Learn spelling


-Lecture notes pages 7 to 9.
-Diagnostic test "2013 S2 Diagnostic (Jan)" on Acelearning. (Please write all working on foolscap pad and hand in on Monday) (Ok but help. I can't seem to find the file anywhere. For those who knows where to find the test please inform me in the comments section below.)

Go to the link & each student is suppose to select a brand & answer the question: "How does your selected brand evolved from a product to understand it's customers?"

-Complete your oral presentation and be prepared to present in class.


-Finish up ADMT homework storyboard

-Remember to purchase yellow file & divides.

Waiyan birthday tomorrow ^^ Here's a gif from your favourite SNSD.

If i missed out any homework do inform me in the comments section below or edit this post and inform everybody on class Facebook group.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Homework 10th Jan

Sorry for late post, internet down.

ADMT: Remember to complete HW listed on 8th Jan
Science: Please finish Science pre-test on googlesite ASAP
Math: Please complete homework on a sheet of foolscap from page 5 and 6 of your Lecture Notes by tmrw:
1.  Tier A - Qn 4,
2. Tier B - Qn 1, 4, 6b

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

090113 Homework

For Chinese students:

- CL composition thing. Use the phrases teacher posted on the CL Blog (http://sst2013-s205cl.blogspot.sg/) to form a compo/story.
-Learn spelling. To be tested next week

-Visit the math blog and answer the questions.
- Do Tier B qn 5, 6, Tier C qn 1, 2. Pages 7-9

-Comment on the english post about the difference between informal & formal letters.

Go to the link & each student is suppose to select a brand & answer the question: "How does your selected brand evolved from a product to understand it's customers?"

-Finish up ADMT homework as listed yesterday by Friday.

Do pre-test here: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/story.php?title=2013-sec-2-communication-science-prequiz

Update the blog by next IRS lesson.

Ps. I'm updating again as Ethan had some problems accessing the blog. I'll help him with that tomorrow and to all S2-05 friends, please check the Facebook group for the fastest updates.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

080113 Homework


-Complete 150 words essay (You should have already done it)
-Download Evernote
-Join the "2013 ADMT S2-05" Google+ Group
-Complete the 6 frame storyboard, for more information you can go to the Google+ group and download the instructions file.

-Look through the notes and go to link on Page 2.
-Go to Googlesite, click on the science section, under 2013 Communication Science, click overview & scroll down to the end of the page to do the pre quiz

-Go to the Math Blog and click on the "Algebraic Fractional Manipulation & Change of Subject" tab and comment on the post.

-Update your IRS blog

-SST is organizing "Project Needy Care" and would like people to participate. For more information or registration, please check your SST email account.

Ps. I'm only updating since Ethan's CCA ends late. Anyway have a good day~

Friday, 4 January 2013